Why Choose us

The Career Compass, though compact, is a powerful coaching sequence helping you uncover your potentials. Designed for individuals at all levels either within an organization or as an individual, it aims to provide knowledge to find clarity and motivation about their career ambitions.
The programmes at Career Compass are in-depth and unique to each participant. They are designed to unlock an individual’s motivation for their professional future. They are an ideal way to empower and support individuals who are ready to reassess their careers.
Furthermore, these programmes provide skills for the staff of reputed companies and associates on various levels – managerial, technical, logistic to be sound and well-informed about what they are assigned with.


The Career Compass, though compact, is a powerful coaching sequence helping you uncover your potentials. Designed for individuals at all levels either within an organization or as an individual, it aims to provide knowledge to find clarity and motivation about their career ambitions.
The programmes at Career Compass are in-depth and unique to each participant. They are designed to unlock an individual’s motivation for their professional future. They are an ideal way to empower and support individuals who are ready to reassess their careers.
Furthermore, these programmes provide skills for the staff of reputed companies and associates on various levels – managerial, technical, logistic to be sound and well-informed about what they are assigned with.


To guide individuals – students, corporate heads and staff of companies uncover their potentials through quality education.


  • Help young individuals find clarity and motivation about their career ambitions
  • Unlock an individual’s motivation for their professional future
  • Empower and support individuals who want to reassess their careers


  • For individuals who want to find opportunities that are compatible with their strengths, passions and motivations
  • For employees who want to reassess their career progress and regain motivation for their current job role

For companies considering restructuring

Foreign Followers
Classes Complete
Students Enrolled
Certified Teachers

What Make Us Spcecial?

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Who we are

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Who we do

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How it work

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Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus.

Tony Nguyen, Co-Founder

Meet Our Team

Plugins your themes with even more features.

Owen Christ
After working as a software developer and...
Namrata Parmar
I came to Eduma ten years ago
George Clinton
After working as a software developer and...
George Richards
After working as a software developer and...
Betty Milner
After working as a software developer and...

A Great Place to Grow