Name of the course

International Law for Legal and Non-Legal Professionals

Target audience

Lawyers, Non-legal professionals, Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees, Professionals who intend to pursue a career in International Relations and Diplomatic Service.


3-hour session per week for 3 weeks.

Areas covered

Public International Law, European Law, Human Rights Law, Equality Law.


  • Ability to learn the essential areas of International Law which are necessary for professionals pursuing or intending to pursue a career in International Relations and Diplomatic Service. 
  • Develop networks with other colleagues in the industry.

Why is this beneficial for BCAS

  • Opens up the ability to get on board the higher-ranking professionals engaged in International Relations and Diplomatic Service. 
  • Possibility of the participants enrolling with BCAS for the 3-year LLB programme or the LLM Programme which is to be implemented.